Cathy Vivies | Opéra Victoire

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Photography by Alcide Rioche

Opéra Victoire

Rue de Chateaudun, 2021

The garden design of this office building includes many outdoor spaces in different levels: a courtyard and  two terrasses with panoramic views. The plants were carefully selected for their strength and their adaptability to light exposure. They participate to the life of the terrasses and adjust through the seasons. Thus, the permanent and the ephemeral, the long term and the short term, is intertwined.

Plants used

Pinus Sylvestris Windbraut
Cornus Controversa Variegata
Arbutus Unedo
Acer Capillipes
Myrtus communis compacta
Cistus Corbariensis
Lavandula Stocheas
Thymus Vulgaris
Teucrium Marum
Perovskia Atriplicifolia
Rosmarinus Officinalis
Santolina Magonica
Euphorbia Myrsinites
Arthemisia Ludivicifolia
Trachelospernum Jasminoides

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